Review: The Cellulite Solution
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Welcome to the new Cellulite Diaries blog! One of the features I have planned for this blog is regular original book reviews, to help women in search of useful information to sort the junk from the pearls.
I'm going to start with a review of a well-known book on the topic of losing cellulite:The Cellulite Solution: A Doctor's Program for Losing Lumps, Bumps, Dimples, and Stretch Marks by Howard Murad, M.D.
According to Dr. Murad, "Blast cellulite with this powerful, effective three-step program featuring the youth-building cellulite diet. With some modifications to your nutritional habits and lifestyle, you can experience the first scientifically proven method of smoothing cellulite."
Let's take a closer look.
The Cellulite Solution: A Walkthrough
Chapter 1: The Anatomy of Cellulite and Stretch Marks: Causes and Effects
This is Dr. Murad's answer to the age old question "What exactly IS cellulite?"
The first few pages are actually rather frightening for a cellulite-sufferer. Dr. Murad claims that cellulite is fat that is trapped in the dermal layer and is not available to be burned as energy the same way that "normal" fat is available to be burned off with diet and exercise. Because of this, "the dermal fat that causes cellulite is here to stay." But the good news is that by following the steps found in The Cellulite Solution, you'll never have to notice it.
This chapter has plenty of charts, including a diagram of the skin as seen under a microscope, charts listing the pros and cons of exercise, the differences between cellulite and normal fat, and a "cellulite time line" (apparantly the first record of its mention is in 1920's France.) There is a detailed explanation of the causes of cellulite, and then there is what is probably the most interesting concept in this chapter, the Four Stages of Cellulite.
Stage 1: The very beginning of cellulite, when it is still not visible from the outside
Stage 2: Minimal orange peel texture visible when pinched
Stage 3: Significant orange peel texture visible by pinching
Stage 4: Cellulite is always visible
According to The Cellulite Solution, the earlier you begin treatment, the better. However even if you are already in Stage 4, it's not too late to repair the damage.
This chapter closes with some information on stretch marks.
Chapter 2: The Water Principle: The Source of all Vitality
The pathway to all aging and disease is water loss, or so begins this chapter. As we age, our cells break down and become unable to hold as much water as they did when we were young. This leads to loss of firmness, wrinkling, dryness, and of course, cellulite. The Cellulite Solutiondoesn't just tell you to drink more water, though. It has a program aimed at repairing your body's cells so that they are able to hold on to more water thus improving your skin's appearance, and even repairing connective tissue which plays a key role in the appearance of cellulite.
Chapter 3: Repairing Damage
Here we learn about the various nutrients and supplements that you should add to your diet to repair your body and improve your cells' water retention. This include various minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, B vitamins, antioxidants, glucosamine, and lecithin. (Yes, I know it sounds complicated. It's all explained in the book).
Chapter 4: Preventing Cellulite
Here the focus is on preventing free-radical damage-- the damage that occurs in your body from exposure to the sun, pollution, stress, and other sources. You can fight against this with the use of antioxidants such as vitamin C, and anti-inflammatories like aloe vera. There is also a section on exfoliation through methods such as dry skin brushing, and the use of moisturizers and which moisturizing ingredients are most effective in the prevention and treatment of cellulite.
Chapter 5: The Youth Building Cellulite Solution Diet
"You'd probably think that you'd never hear anyone say this, but you can smooth out your cellulite by eating!" This chapter discusses repairing and preventing cellulite by eating "cellulite busting" foods. The author basically goes back to the list of minerals and vitamins from chapter 3 and provides detailed information about which foods contain each "cellulite buster" and how much you should try to eat or take in supplement form. This chapter lists tons of vitamins, amino acids and trace minerals, to me it starts to feel a bit overwhelming. But just when I'm about to reach burn-out phase, there is a Seven Day Sample Meal Plan. This to me helps simplify things because it gives concrete ideas on how to get the needed nutrients. There are also pages of recipes included which are pretty tasty.
Chapter 6: The Cellulite Solution Program: Eight Weeks to Smoother Skin
Don't we all love plans like this? There is a quiz to assess your cellulite situation, and then the plan is layed out week by week. It's pretty involved-- it includes eating more of the right foods, taking supplements, exfoliating (skin brushing especially), applying creams, exercising, and even doing things for your spirit like socializing or spa treatments. Week1 is the preparation stage, and I think you really need that full week to prepare because there is a lot of information to get a handle on, not to mention groceries, moisturizers, and supplements to buy if you want to follow the program strictly by the book.
Chapter 7: Inclusive Health
Nice thoughts here, but to me it's a throwaway chapter (luckily, it's short). It's all about the mind-skin connection, and about how eating the right foods and exercise isn't enough to be truly healthy, you also need to be happy. I think it's an excellent point, but to me it was overkill in a book about cellulite. I agree that our state of mind can have an impact on our appearance. But I am skeptical that many women are going to take up meditation as part of this program. Or am I wrong?
Chapter 8: Cellulite Minimizers: Ingredients That Can Really Make a Difference
I think there is some really good information here that alone makes it worth the price of the book. The author has evaluated a wide array of cellulite treatment ingredients to determine their ability to treat the condition of cellulite. There are thirty-one pages of valuable information, arranged alphabetically like an encyclopedia. All kinds of treatments are discussed and evaluated here, from cellulite reducing apparel, to liposuction, to supplements. It's very thorough and informative.
Buy or Don’t Buy?
This book can be complicated and seem a bit overwhelming with all of the recommendations. And I believe Dr. Murad has been criticized for selling what some believe to be overpriced packets of supplements at his website. So then why do I recommend buying this book?
First, you can find these supplements inexpensively at your local drugstore or at GNC. You don't need to order anything from Dr. Murad's website. And by following the recommendations in the book, you can pick and choose which ones will be most useful to your particular situation. Also, many of the nutrients can be gotten through the food you eat, without supplementation.
Second, there is a huge amount of useful information here. You will learn so much about cellulite and all of the various treatments. This book is a great way to truly be informed. To me the Cellulite Solutions are sound and ungimmicky.
Third, if you implement all of the strategies, you will see a real improvement in your skintone and you are bound to lose cellulite. If you implement only SOME of the strategies, I believe that you will still see an improvement in your skintone and cellulite. To me that makes the purchase price of this book more than worth it.
If you see it similarly, The Cellulite Solution: A Doctor's Program for Losing Lumps, Bumps, Dimples, and Stretch Marks gets a strong “buy” recommendation from me.
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What a Helpful Article!
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Michelle, first let me compliment you on an excellent review of Dr. Murad's book. You covered all the basic points and gave good analysis for each. if I had not already read the book I would be inclined to read it based on your description. The second thing I wanted to point out is your very truthful point about Dr. Murad's supplements. Too often women jump at add on products like these without thinking. Putting aside whether they are necessary, they can certainly be obtained in other places at better prices, as you point out. A hearty Bravo! for a great post.
Great review. Well done.
May I add another favorite of mine
Beyond Cellulite: Nicole Ronsard's Ultimate Strategy to Slim, Firm and Reshape Your Lower Body
Blast cellulite with this powerful, effective three-step program featuring the youth-building cellulite diet. what causes cellulite
No Long Stories Again,Here are the 5 Critical Keys to Kill Your Cellulite |<a href="http://>See The Truth About Cellulite Sniper Here</a>
No Long Stories Again,Here are the 5 Critical Keys to Kill Your Cellulite |<a href=">See The Truth About Cellulite Sniper Here</a>
You can buy supplements which can help you in increasing stamina as well as building upright body quickly, but with proper prescription of experts. I have read the reviews of many body builders and they suggested me taking supplements along with healthy food but in limited amount.
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