
A cellulite lotion ingredient that actually works?

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Thursday, March 12, 2009

This article appeared on CBS news today:

Many of us just can't live without that daily caffeine boost. And now beauty regimens are getting a java jolt too. A growing number of products are energizing the skin with caffeine.

"I'm hoping to lighten up the dark circles, and to tone down some of the redness around my mouth especially (touches problem areas)," Lisa Nizzari said.

According to dermatologist Dr. Ariel Ostad, Nizzari is the perfect patient for caffeine.

Ostad said it can also help her other complaint -- cellulite.

"Well sometimes, in the summer especially, you can see it through clothing. It's a little embarrassing," Nizzari said.

"Cellulite, which women hate, which is that lumpy, bumpy skin on the outer thighs, basically can be improved by applying products that contain topical caffeine," Ostad said. "It primarily works by dehydrating those fat cells, which means that it shrinks those fat cells temporarily and therefore the skin is smoother."

Coffee is full of healthy antioxidants, so the caffeinated creams made with it are thought to make the skin look younger by renewing cells damaged by the sun.

The products range from inexpensive drugstore finds to the several hundred dollar prescription creams. And unless you have a specific allergy, they're safe.

If you're interested, some lotions with caffeine as an active ingredient are grouped together here at

This is just more confirmation that certain ingredients in cellulite lotion really do reduce the appearance of the lumpy, bumpy stuff.

Read the original article here:
Caffeinated Creams With Antioxidants
Thought To Make Skin Look Younger By Renewing Cells Damaged By Sun

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El Bilson said...

There's an easy way to use caffeine to treat cellulite - simply save your coffee grinds and use them in a sugar scrub in the shower!

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