
You Don't Have to Spend Money to Reduce Cellulite

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Monday, March 16, 2009

Recently I wrote about the benefits of caffeine applied to the skin (see A Cellulite Lotion Ingredient that Actually Works).

The good news is that for pennies you can give yourself a spa-like cellulite-wrap at home, with that same effective active ingredient. The main drawback to doing it yourself is that it's messier and a bit more time consuming than using a store-bought cellulite lotion.

Still want to give it a try?

Here's how to do it:

You'll need:
- ¼ cup of warm used coffee grounds (must be caffeinated! Obviously, decaf won't work!)
- tablespoon of olive oil
- roll of plastic wrap

As I wrote above this can get messy since you're using loose coffee grounds, so there are some extra instructions to take care of that.

1. Mix about a quarter-cup of used coffee grounds with a tablespoon or so of olive oil. (You can microwave them for about 20 seconds to warm them up)

2. Lay a few sheets of newspaper on the floor (the bathroom would probably be the best place to do this!).

3. While standing on the newspaper, apply the coffee grounds "paste" to your cellulite-afflicted areas. Don’t worry if a lot of the coffee grounds fall to the floor; enough will hold to your skin to do the trick.

4. Wrap the area in plastic wrap and let it remain on for several minutes. If you have time, for maximum results leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes.

5. Remove the plastic wrap and any remaining coffee mixture. Shower as usual.

*According to most of what I've read about this treatment, you get the best results when you repeat it twice a week.

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